Thursday, May 21, 2009

Scholz & Friends

Like most of you know Scholz & Friends, Berlin has a lot going for them. Between their numerous awards and strategic platform by which they orchestrate their projects they are able to pump out brilliant work. Scholz & Friends are the largest communication agency in Europe specifically in Germany and are a full service agency who strive for creativity above all else. They really strive on grabbing the consumer’s attention and establish their brand. They have around 80 million consumers and they aim to create added value in brands, “The leader in efficiency.”

They had four success factors of orchestration, strategic competence, creative excellence, and worldwide network. Their conducting idea was extremely smart, simple and effective. You must have everyone on the same page in order to accomplish your common goal. I really feel like they have it down and their clientele is evidence of this. I thought that everyone did a very good job of creating a creative brief being that we only had 25 min and Scholz & Friends had six months. However, I’m still trying to figure out how my group’s idea of water and convergence of voice somehow turned into a 3rd world country but hey whatever you say Scholz & Friends.

Something useful is their diagram of an orchestra and the different tactics to implementing ideas when dealing with a certain company as it forms a solid blue print for all future projects. The challenge was to make sure that everyone is playing the same tune and understand the purpose of the campaign. If one person is off, they will ruin the entire “performance.”

They focused a lot on the effectiveness of PR and how you must engage your audience’s minds to create a change. The larger than life advertisements were some of the most innovative ideas I have ever seen. I must say one advantage they have over their competition is budget. Being one of the top five agencies in the world they are able to go above and beyond and really make the people view a product in a whole different like. One must remember that simply buying ad space and having a billboard even though my reach a wide audience it isn’t efficient and that’s what you must do in order to be success, you must find the balance. I thought the tour was very informative and provided us Ad majors with something new to think about when going on with our future projects. Also they used a lot of endorsements to cut the cost of the ads and provide brand awareness and equity. They did a really good job of incorporating a celebrity into the World Cup Land of Ideas campaigns.

My only criticism of the place was the lack of air conditioning. I never knew on e could get so hot and sweaty by simply writing words on a piece of paper.

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