Thursday, May 21, 2009

Berlin, Check it Out

So Berlin is different. The green lifestyle is one that should be adopted in more countries, for example the states. I am so used to having lights on in my crib while watching T.V while having the water run as I brush my teeth. I am learning to cut back on the “luxuries” in the States and become more environmentally friendly. I am realizing how private the European culture is and how they really mind their own business. On the subway I swear we are the only people talking and everyone gets a kick out of watching us act like fools, I find it entertaining as well. I always enjoy filling up time when talking to people because where I come from you don’t have gaps in a conversation. Here they really keep their personal life to minimal. The lack of cell phone use is refreshing because in the States people are constantly either talking or texting on their “handy” which sometimes comes across as rude. I want to embrace more of this European lifestyle when I head back to L-Town because it will have lasting effects down the road. The more time I spend out on the streets, restaurants along with daily activities the more I understand their culture. Germany is a country with a rich history but a young culture. It is tough to imagine just 20 years ago the city was completely divided and to have such progress within that short of time looks promising to Berlin’s future. I’m stoked I made it on the blog. Much love for one love.

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