Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Munich's Subway (not the resturant)

Today was the first day in Munich in which a group of us were left to figure out the subway structure. Back in Berlin you could hop on and off each subway without bothering too many people minus when we talk loud. The trains would be there pretty much every five minutes without any confusion. Here in Munich the system is run a little bit differently. First off there are like 3 levels in the subway all with different symbols such as S or U. In Berlin you either took the S or the U but they were separated more define by up and down. Here you simply have to take an elevator or stairs to find your train. Those through me off a bit because when looking for the S trains I wanted to go outside and search. Secondly, you can pretty much get connected to anywhere in the city by using five or so main stops and conveniently all the rails go through those stops then disperse off towards other outlets. Back in Berlin if there were open seats I would gladly give my seat up for someone else because standing really wasn’t an issue but in Munich if you find a seat you better take it. The entry/exit isles in the train are so packed and congested it makes one frustrated and scanning the train for an open seat. I have learned to just take the seat if it is open to avoid the awkwardness of maneuvering around the oncoming passengers. Also the trains seem to be louder and there is a bigger mix of individuals, meaning the location of our place is home to many different ethnicities and backgrounds. Munich seems to have a more laid back atmosphere along with a more artistic feel. I am very excited to see what else Munich has in store for us and hope the people enjoy our company as much as I enjoy all of theirs.

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