Friday, May 22, 2009


So does everyone smoke here?  It seems like the people here run on pasta, bakeries, and their smokes.  I miss pork chops and rice but am starting to wonder how I am going to do without my daily croissants and coffee that have become second nature to me here already.   

Today I saw three snipers and felt like I was in a movie.  The lady at the GDR museum seemed like it was no big deal, but I was uneasy.  It turns out security was heightened because the chancellor and other members of parliament were celebrating the 60th anniversary of the German Democratic Republic.  The snipers were clad in all black, had pretty large guns, and wore black facemasks.  I pointed up at them only to find them grab their binoculars and proceed to watch me.  Maybe I was wrong and they weren’t actually watching me, either way, I was unsettled. 

The GDR museum was quite interesting.  I did not know cars were made of plastic during these times, or that people went to schools specifically for athletics.  Nude beaches were also popular as East Berliners wanted to be free of the uncomfortable clothing and free of control.  I really appreciate how this museum, and a couple other we have been to, are so interactive.  It really drives a message home if you are able to interact with and touch artifacts from another time and place.

1 comment:

Jess said...

The DDR Museum was very neat! Our guide did a good job of explaining the differences between life in East & West Berlin. Here are some things you might not have known.

1 - Many East Germans took an interest in skinny dipping while the wall was up. This "personal freedom" allowed them to feel less constrained by the DDR. It was quite normal to swim without swimsuits during this time.

2 - East Germany focuses a lot of time and money into its athletes. They would put the talented athletes in specials school and rigorous training at a young age. It was the DDR's hope that the great athletes would help prove how strong the DDR was. Ironically in a World Cup (I can't remember the year) East Germany played West Germany and won. It was a big victory for the DDR.

3 - Because the government regulated all purchases, it took many years for people to get cars. One car was given out for every 600 requests for a car. Some waited over 17 years for a car.

4 - Clothing was also hard to come by in East Germany. Often times the only way to get the latest fashion was to have someone in West Germany send you clothes. The overall look in East Germany was very plain and boring. Clothes were also less comfortable because of the materials used to make them in East Germany.

There were obviously many other differences on each side of the wall, but the museum portrayed these ones well if pictures, objects and stories. It was very interesting and a great way celebrate Germany's Birthday.