Sunday, May 24, 2009

Free Day

The milk was warm this morning, as it is every morning we wake up, but there is more to it than that.  Germans rely less on refrigeration and more so on daily (or almost daily) grocery shopping.  This way, their fruits are always fresh and as Ali explained, the process of shopping becomes more than just that, it becomes an experience.  Germans take pride in their fresh goods.   Americans on the other hand stock up and rely heavily on refrigeration to preserve their foods.

Right after breakfast, we headed to a flea market on the outskirts of Berlin.  I have never seen such a large and eclectic mix of first and mostly secondhand trinkets.  I bartered a bling ring from 25 euros to only 10!  I was very proud of myself...until Michaela got hers for 5.  There were people everywhere, many had dreads and "hippie" type clothing.  I have never seen an event like this, I loved it.    

At 6 p.m. we headed to the Berliner Dome, the protestant church in Berlin.  To our surprise, only around forty people were in attendance.  With such a beautiful church and service, we were all a little curious as to why there was such a small crowd.  Ali informed us that ever since the end of World War II, atheists have been in the majority.  It is so hard for a people who have seen such tragedies in the name of religion to accept the idea of it again.  This is such a sad realization.  Religion in America on the other hand has been revitalized.   

Today concluded with dinner at an American-style restaurant.  While dining, I was surprised to learn today that the mayor of Berlin is a married gay man and that Berlin has had legalized gay marriage as of two years ago. 


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