Friday, May 22, 2009

So Little Time, So Much To See

It's amazing to think that I actually thought I would run out of things to do and see in Berlin. You know that feeling you get when you go on a trip. You feel like you've been there and done that, or have already seen something similar. So far this trip, there have not been enough hours in the day. I wish I wouldn't have to sleep!

During Thursday's free day a group of people and myself took it upon ourselves to work our way over to Museum Island. Once we got there we took advantage of an excellent deal offered on Thursdays: Free Entry to Museums.

We went into the Altes Museum. I have never seen such a collection of incredible artifacts all in one location. The museum featured artifacts from the classical era and the Ancient Egyptians. This was a great time to come, due to the fact they are renovating several of the museums and had several items from multiple museums in one place.

But the one piece that was absolutely incredible to see was the sculpture of Nefertiti. The incredible thing about the artifact was how great it looked after such a long time and how skilled the Egyptians were at creating sculptures and figures with the tools of the time frame.

And as cool as the "Altes Museum" was, I really bummed to see the Berliner Dom closed for the evening. I feel like a walk through that place would be an incredible memory to have.

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