Friday, May 22, 2009

Already Missing Germany

As the days go by “living” in Berlin I have come to realize that the lifestyle here is one that I could definitely adopt and will surely miss when I return home to the United States.

One of the main things I will miss when the time comes to pack up and return home is being able to go to any street corner and pick out a delicious bakery item or fresh made sandwich. And by fresh made, I mean fresh made. No preservatives in meats, bread baked daily in the shops. It is slightly saddening to think that we, as Americans, don’t have this kind of system anymore (i.e. 1950’s milk, butchers).

Another thing that I will miss when I leave is the ability to never be anymore than a short walk away from a “kaufhaus” or, in other words, a place to make purchases. It always seems I can take a hop, skip or a jump to the store. Whether it is for a grocery item or an electronic device. The accessibility of this city is incredible, and all the stores have a neighborhood or “mom and pop” shop feel to them.

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