Thursday, May 21, 2009


Imagine getting the chance to stroll through an 18th century palace with a luxurious garden full of statues and flowers. Well we were lucky enough to do this. We traveled to Potsdam and visited Fredrick the Great’s Sansoucci Castle.

It was unbelievable. The rooms were rococo which means they were extremely detailed. Every nook and cranny has detail, including the ceilings. I’ve never see anything like it. Fredrick the Great was in love with bringing the outside indoors, which he incorporated in every room. Unfortunately, we couldn’t take pictures inside the palace but I got so many pictures of the outside. It was magnificent.

We also went to a beer garden. My first one! I had a currywurst and a rodler. Currywurst is a bratwurst with a curry sauce. Rodler is a lighter beer with Sprite. Makayla had her hot dog stolen by a hawk when she sat her plate down. It was the funniest thing I ever saw J. Just another eventful day in Deutschland.

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